From Wergenstein | Ski tour | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
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From Wergenstein Piz Tarantschun 2769 m

  • Difficulty
  • Ascent
    4 h, 1300 m
  • Descent
    1300 m
  • Exposure
    N, NE

This is a wonderful ski tour in perfect skiing terrain, recommended especially with spring snow.

Route description

Wergenstein – Piz Tarantschun
From Wergenstein (1487 m) ascend steeply westward to the chalets of Dumagns (1844 m). From here traverse the steep north-east slopes of Val da Larisch until the ditch of the creek coming down from Alp Tumpriv. North of this ditch ascend to Alp Tumpriv (2190 m). Continue south-westward by overcoming an escarpment to reach the flat ridge of Tguma (P. 2404). Now ascend to the foot of the steep summit structure and overcome a steep slope on the left. Finish the ascent on the south ridge (cairn on the summit).
On the ascent; alternatively ski down the large bowl south of Runal to reach Alp Tumpriv.

Additional information

Departure and arrival point

Wergenstein / Vargistagn, Dorf (1487 m)


There is an avalanche risk on the access to Alp Tumpriv.

Route number


Our recommendations

Tourenportal/App-Abo Jahreszahlung

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Tourenportal/App-Abo Jahreszahlung

Price CHF 49.00

At home


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Member price CHF 60.00
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