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Descent from Spazzacaldeira P. 2487 / La Fiamma / Dente. La Fiamma 2487 m

  • Difficulty
  • Descent
    0:30–1 h, 380 m

Route description

Descent: Spazzacaldeira (Fiamma, Dente) - Abseil section
Follow grass ledges past the Dente and the Fiamma towards the main summit, climb up west to gain the ridge below the highest point of the Spazzacaldeira. Here you meet the descent route from the Fiamma. From the base of the Fiamma you reach a climbing section (3b), which leads you up past the highest point of the Spazzacaldaira, P. 2487, and then south towards a steep couloir. Start down this on (some tracks) until you reach the top of a chimney-like narrowing. Here it is best to abseil 15 metres, but you can also down-climb at 3a.
Abseil - guards hut at the Dam
After the abseil continue down the couloir on a clear zigzag track and cross meadows and screes to the guard's hut next to the dam.
Guard's hut, Staumauer - Albignabahn, cable car station.
Hurry on to the cable car.
End point

Climbers with less experience moving together in steep terrain / with abseiling and short-roping will take much longer. Be sure about committing to the route and necessary descent with regards to catching the last cable car down!

Difficulty / Material

T4/T5 terrain mit climbing sections of 3b and/or 15 metre abseil.

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