Traverse of the north-west ridge – east face of Zervreila | Mountain hiking | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
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Traverse of the north-west ridge – east face of Zervreila (Normal route) Fanellhorn 3123 m

  • Difficulty
  • Ascent
    4 h, 1300 m
  • Descent
    2 h, 1300 m

Mountain of the seven little lakes

The small mountain lakes between Wissgrätli and Fanellhorn are deep-blue. The view from the summit goes to even more small mountain lakes lying in unnamed valleys. In between there are steep talus and snowfields. The summit requires some scrambling.

Route description

Zervreila - Guraletschsee
From Zervreila follow the road to a chapel. Now take the hiking trail towards Guraletsch as far as Guraletschsee.
Guraletschsee - Fanellhorn
Shortly before reaching the lake leave the hiking trail, bypass a hill on the south to ascend south-westward below Bleschaturra and Wissgrätli. You reach the small col (P. 2793) at the foot of Fanellhorn. The summit is accessed following the north-west ridge or ascending the south-west face.
Descent on the east face
Descend on the white-blue-white marked trail on the east face (T3) to reach P. 2710 on Fanellgrätli. From there you can hike back to the ascent trail at Guraletschsee.

Additional information

Departure and arrival point

Vals, Zervreila (1840 m)

Postbus only runs in summer.


Zervreila – north-west ridge – Fanellhorn: 4 h

Fanellhorn – east face – Zervreila: 2 h

Difficulty / Material

Die Bewertung bezieht sich auf den Schlussaufstieg über den Nordostgrat (Blockgrat einzelne einfache Kletterstellen).

Neighbor summit

Guraletschhorn (2908 m)

This is a pretty summit with a good view and a rewarding bonus to the tour. From Guraletschsee follow a marked mountain trail, which leads around Hennensädel on the north side to reach the north face of Guraletschhorn. On scree and rocky steps scramble up to the north-east ridge. On this ridge and the east face, you reach the summit. Ca. 2 h from Guraletschsee (ascent) and about 1 h for the descent. T4 – T5, plus.


Fabian Lippuner

David Coulin

David Coulin works as a communications manager, photojournalist and author. In addition, he provides mountain experiences throughout Switzerland and has published several alpine hiking and snowshoeing guides through the SAC.

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