Traverse of Fluebrig from south to north | Mountain hiking | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
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Traverse of Fluebrig from south to north Diethelm 2098 m

  • Difficulty
  • Ascent
    3:30 h, 1200 m
  • Descent
    2:30 h, 1240 m

The twothousander closest to Zurich

Looking at the map one recognises the special situation of Fluebrig: as the last cornerstone of the Druesberg range it breaks off in a 700 m high cliff to the north, towering above all adjacent hills and knolls by at least 500 m. This makes Fluebrig a landmark between Sihltal and Wägital, visible from afar. Even more: there is no other twothousander closer to the largest Swiss city. Between Zurich Bellevue and the peak the aerial distance is only 43 km. Actually there are four peaks, whose highest is called Diethelm. That is the one we want to explore here.

Route description

Ochsenboden – summit outcrop
From the Ochsenboden bus stop (928 m) follow the road to the club house of the golf course. Branch off left into the roadway and ascend through Stafelwand until the end of the road at P. 1297. Now continue on the hiking trail, which, via Schärm, leads to the south face of Fluebrig. Zigzag up the steep slope. About 10 min. above the chalet of Obergross (1839 m) the marked mountain trail turns left to reach the south-west ridge. Follow the ridge from P. 1950 to the and the saddle between P. 2057 and Diethelm, as the main summit of Fluebrig is called.
Summit outcrop – Diethelm
From the foot of Diethelm the first step towards the summit is equipped with an iron ladder and fixed ropes. Afterwards follow a path on the ridge line or, easier, bypass left on the face until the highest point and the cross located a few steps further north. From the summit go back on the same route to the foot of the ladder and the saddle between Diethelm and P. 2057.
Descent to Studen
The rather sparsely marked descent leads north-eastward, at first on scree, then in pastures to reach P. 1942. From here go down to the right and again to the right at ca. 1780 m into the next natural terrain unit, the alp Fluebrig (1589 m). At ca. 1430 m the trail turns back left and traverses to Fläschlipass (1367 m, some signposts read Fläschlihöchi). Now turn left and westward through the beautiful forest Wisstannenplangg. Due to the soil properties and the often wet weather the trail is usually muddy and slippery. Do not expect to arrive with clean clothes. At P. 958 cross the Wisstannenbach and once more at P. 938. Now hike on roads via Sihltalhütte and Sennenried to Studen Dörfli. The bus stop is located on the road towards Ochsenboden.
Descent to Innerthal
The descent via Rosenhöchi and Eggstofel to Innerthal is more than 1½ hours longer (Fläschlipass – Innerthal dam 2 h 30 min., T2).

Additional information

Departure point

Studen SZ, Ochsenboden (928 m)

End point

Studen SZ, Dörfli (892 m)


Ochsenboden – Fluebrig (Diethelm) 3 h 30 min.

Fluebrig (Diethelm) – Fläschlipass 1 h 15 min.

Fläschlipass – Studen Dörfli 1 h 15 min.

Difficulty / Material

The steep and exposed passages on the last 50 m to the Diethelm summit are overcome with the help of an iron ladder and fixed ropes. There is some loose rubble lying about. Most of the time the steep pastures on the south side (our ascent) are snow-free long before the hiking season, on the slopes of the north side, however, where we descend, the snow melts a lot later. Therefore in early summer it is recommended to bring along an ice-axe or hiking poles.


Fläschlipass (1367 m)

Popular passage from Wägital to Sihltal

Rosenhöchi (1506 m)

Grassy knoll between Sihltal and Wägital, on the brink of a vast moor

Neighbor summit

Turner (Fluebrig) (2068 m)

The detour to Turner, the second highest peak of Fluebrig, is also worthwhile (from the saddle below Diethelm follow the ridge; add 15 min., T3).

Chli Mutzenstein (1504 m)

Another detour, but not to a summit proper is Chli Mutzenstein (1504 m). From Fläschlipass follow the hiking trail towards Rosenhöchi until shortly before Chli Mutzenstein (about 10 min.). From the south now hike along the rock wall to a breach and climb a shaky iron ladder to the summit cross (from Fläschlipass and back 45 min., T4+).


Marco Volken

Marco Volken is a freelance photographer and alpine journalist. He has co-authored numerous books on the Alpine region, including illustrated books, non-fiction books, hut guides, hiking and club guides, ski touring and climbing guidebooks.

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