From Sogn Benedetg or Rabius-Surrein | Ski tour | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
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From Sogn Benedetg or Rabius-Surrein Camona da Punteglias CAS 2311 m

  • Difficulty
  • Ascent
    5:30–6 h, 1570 m
  • Descent
    640 m
  • Exposure
    E, SE

The direct approach to the Camona da Punteglias from Trun has a high risk of avalanches and is very steep in the upper section. It is better to approach from Sumvitg or Rabius via the Fuorcla Posta Biala, although safe conditions are also required here. The hut is an important base for Tödi and Piz Posta Biala in winter.

Route description

S. Benedetg – Fuorcla Posta Biala (pass)
From S. Benedetg (1276 m) head up through Cuolms da Tscheps to Alp Dado Sut (1853 m). Continue to Alp Dado Sura (2009 m) and into the large amphitheatre of Falluns, then finally climb steeply to Fuorcla Posta Biala (approx. 2860 m).
Variant from Rabius-Surrein, train station
From the train station follow signposts for the village of Rabius, then head west roughly 200 m along the main road. Turn off right before the stream of Luven. Ascend beside the stream, then move out onto the slope, taking a more direct line through the hairpin bends to where they end at P. 1454. Continue directly up through the forest to small alp, then contour east to a bridge (P. 1609) which crosses the Luven valley. Shortly afterwards you'll meet the main route from Sogn Benedetg. Around 30 minutes longer than Sogn Benedetg.
Fuorcla Posta Biala (pass) – Camona da Punteglias CAS
From the Fuorcla Posta Biala descend the steep eastern slopes to the hut.

Additional information

Departure and arrival point

Sogn Benedetg (1277 m)

No public transport to Sogn Benedetg, next stop Sumvitg, spv S. Benedetg or Staziun Sumvitg-Cumpadials.


Rabius-Surrein, Station (927 m)

Departure point from the variant.

Route number


Our recommendations

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