From Tschingel Aabeberg (Kiental) 1964 m
- Difficulty
- PD
- Ascent
- 2–2:30 h, 800 m
- Descent
- 800 m
- Exposure
- S, W
The ascent from Tschingel via Griesalp to Aabeberg is on south-facing slopes and thus quickly snow-free. However, on a cold day in high winter it offers great pleasure away from the crowds on Chistihubel and Bundstock. Combining it with the route from/to Kiental, this route makes a rewarding last tour of ski touring days at Griesalp. Please note: the route is in a no-hunting area, so do not stray off the itinerary described here!
Route description
Additional information
- Departure point
Tschingelsee, Parkplatz (1160 m)
Bus von der Bahnstation Reichenbach zur Endhaltestelle in Kiental und dann mit guten Chancen Autostopp bis Tschingel. Taxi von Reichenbach:
Busbetrieb nur im Sommerhalbjahr.
- Waypoints
Griesalp (1408 m)
Food and beverage; when the road to Griesalp is open, the slopes on Aabeberg are mostly snow-free already.
- Route number